Beneficial Bugs

Bugs aint bad!

Just like every other member of a balanced ecosystem’s community of critters, insects and other arthropods serve important roles. They can protect plants from pest infestation, they pollinate for flowering plants, and they aid in breaking down decaying organic matter.

Traditional synthetic chemical pesticides are responsible for killing off too many of these beneficial bugs - knock it off! Go organic!

Being committed to the organic approach doesn’t just mean using organic products. It means being committed to preserving nature’s balance. We are opposed to the traditional “Kill ‘em all” militaristic, mindless macho mindset.

Our organic services are targeted applications - intended to reduce impact to beneficials. We target nuisance pests like ticks, mosquitos, and fleas as well as invasive species like European gypsy moth, Hemlock woolly adelgid, and spotted lanternfly. These are insects who are not native to our local environment so there are not adequate natural counterbalances. That’s where we step in, to control exploding invasive populations and support local, native essential and beneficial critters and plants.

Some local beneficial bugs to familiarize yourself with:


These small soldiers feed on or parasitize insects harmful to our landscape.

  • Ladybugs, lady bird beetles (including larvae)

  • Lacewing

  • Tiny parasitic wasps like Braconid and Trichogramma

  • Mantids

  • Spiders and Harvestmen (daddy longlegs)


These beautiful bugs “spread the love” and aid in plant reproduction.

  • Butterflies

  • Bees

Soil Enrichers

These ground-dwelling gardeners do a ton for the soil… so much we will need another post to cover it all!

  • Earthworm


Do I Need Dormant Oil?


VIDEO Spring Tick Myths